Cosmo’s Cosmic Adventure: Forbidden Planet is a video game programmed by Todd Replogle and published by Apogee Software.The player controls Cosmo, and the objective is to reach the exit of each level. Cosmo can walk and jump, and can hang onto most walls with his suction-cup hands. Combining the hanging and jumps allows Cosmo to climb to higher places. There are some interactive objects, including pushable ceiling buttons, teleporters, and springs that make Cosmo jump higher. There are also hovercrafts (floating pads that allow Cosmo to fly) and hint globes (which cause a message to be displayed if Cosmo runs into one; destroying one with a bomb earns 12,800 points). The player has access to bonus levels after each level if enough stars are collected.

Cosmo’s Cosmic Adventure System Requirements


  • OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8
  • Processor: Intel Core Duo 2